Top Tip 4: Talk about things that interest your child
Lesson 4
What is your child doing?
It is important to talk about things your child is interested in. Ask yourself...
What are they...looking at...playing with...or eating?
While your child is changing, in the morning and at night, talk about their clothing and parts of their body and repeat the same language each time they are changing.
Talk about things they are interested in and playing with. To get their attention and give them the language for what they are doing, take objects they are interested in hold them next to your face. Engage with them while they are playing. Remember to make sure your child can see your face clearly, make eye contact at eye level and put things you are talking about next to your face.
Make language building fun 🙂 ...For example, if you are going to visit a farm, take your child's plastic farm animals and book about the farm with you. At the farm you can compare the plastic animals with the farm animals and make the noises the different animals make and also show your child the pictures of the different farm animals in the book. By doing this you can continue talking about what you saw at the farm when you get home. Leave the book and farm animals where your child can reach them, so when they want to talk about the farm and the animals they can. This will help save them from getting frustrated, when they can't express what they are wanting to tell you.
Also it's important to talk for your child. Ask yourself...
What are they tying to tell me? Then say the words for them...If you want to talk about a ball, here are some examples -
"I want the ball."
"Give me the ball."
"Ta the ball Mummy."
"Here is the ball."
These are 4 easy different ways to repeat the word 'ball'.
All the time you should be thinking of ways to build their language and make it FUN 🙂