Friday 11/05/90 – Our security system
Hughan sat with me at the dining room table today and we had a great time colouring in with different coloured crayons.
We have had a security system put in the house. Hughan knows if he moves the light comes on and for the first three days he didn’t like them at all. He would cover his eyes so he wouldn’t see the light go on.
At night he would cry to be picked up as he was scared to move by himself. I picked him up and let him touch the light sensor and he seems much better now.
(I started this website to help other patents with deaf children through our experience. Our son Hughan was born in 1988 and was diagnosed profoundly deaf at 14 months old. We kept a Diary, so his progress could be tracked between our lessons, as we were living in Gaborone in Botswana and traveled every 3 months to the Carel du Toit Centre in Cape Town.)